Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Be Good to Yourself and Good to Others

For the past year I have been sending out “Happy Healers” to members of my Community of Healing. They are e-mails that I send once a week with random thoughts and suggestions on how to stay happy. Over the past year I have found many blogs and websites that offer many suggestions to keep one happy. Over the year, as I have read these blogs and websites and as I have done my own research, there are two themes that hold true throughout… 1) You must have self-care time and respect for yourself and 2) you need to be good to other people.

So, what are the things that you are doing for yourself each day to keep yourself happy? I know for myself, one of my most favorite things in the world to do for myself is to take time every morning to write in my journal. I spend 30 to 45 minutes writing. I write 2 pages of whatever is on my mind and then the last page is all about gratitude, because I’ve been taught that whatever I’m grateful for grows. I have seen this happen in my life. The more I write about gratitude, the more things I have to write about!

There are many other things that I do throughout the day to keep me happy and to keep my JOY alive, but what about you? What brings you JOY when you’re taking care of yourself?

Now, as for being good to others… There are so many things we can do to help others! Helping others begins with my family. I get up at 5:00 am to help my daughter get ready for school and get her off to school. To me, this IS Joy! I then help my husband get his breakfast before he scoots out the door to work. That too brings me Joy. From there I try throughout my day to be involved in “Random Acts of Kindness”… This always brings me JOY! What about you? What brings you happiness as you help others?

Below is a fun little graphic that I’ve created to give us some ideas about “How we can Scatter Sunshine” to help us live happier and more JOYfilled lives. Click on it and it should open into a new screen so you can see it in a larger view... Leave a comment below and let me know what you’re doing to keep the sunshine burning bright in your lives!

Many hugs,

p.s Don't forget to click back to the e-zine to read the rest of the info! Don't want you to miss out on anything :-)

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