Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Random Acts Word Collage

For those of you who know me, I have spent a lot of time doing work in the right side of my brain and helping others to do the same… This is the creative side of your brain and it is also the area of the brain where we are able to solve problems. When we engage the right side of our brains, amazing things happen and we see things in a whole different light, so each week I take you on a new adventure, into the land of right-brain thinking. Come on, and play along!

Today I’d like to take the subject we’re focusing on – RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS and make a WORD COLLAGE. With colorful pens, pencils or markers and a blank piece of paper, write down a bunch of words that come to mind when you think of RANDOM ACTS OF KINDESS. Try playing with writing them in different colors and different styles, so that you’re left with an assortment of words that express how you feel about our subject today! You might even want to make some doodles on your page too! Pictures and doodles always make me smile!

Once you’re finished with your word (and doodle) collage, post it in your work or living space as a reminder to be involved in random acts of kindness throughout your week.

Let me know what you thought of this right-way activity. You can post your comments below!

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