Friday, August 26, 2011

Joy & Smiles

Sometimes we are so busy with our daily issues and problems, that we forget to live - to live and to enjoy our lives, to share our happiness, to see the beauty of the world. We grow older and we forget what it means to be 
childlike. I don't think that is the way it should be.

Let's forget all these unimportant things that make us so unhappy. Let's become honest and sincere, let's open our hearts and let the child inside of us have some fun!

Today is the Day of Joy. Smile, enjoy, be happy and share your joy with the others.

The Day of Joy is a good way to remind us that life is really beautiful and an enjoyable thing.

The Day of Joy is a good way to remind us that sometimes even our sole smile can change the life and light up someone’s day.

The Day of Joy is a great way to understand that sharing your love and happiness is the most pleasant feeling ever.

1. Don’t put a smile on you - be a Smile :)
Everybody should print a symbol Smile, put it onto a badge and wear it during The Day of Joy but your best contribution to The Day of Joy will be a smile inside of you – and on your face .

2. Make at least 5 other people smile
Share this idea with everyone you know. Each of them should make 5 other people smile too.  Why 5 people? It’s a number that makes me smile. You can give your smile and share your joy to as many people as you wish. Even one smile will make our world much happier.

When was the last time you smiled at a stranger. Remember that a generous heart is always a happy heart. Remember that your warm words and a sincere smile are the most precious gifts.

Make this Day of Joy a daily tradition. It would be great if we could all understand that our lives can change in a single moment with a single smile. And I hope that after reading this post you will smile and pass your smile on to someone else.

Sending Hugs for a Joyous Day!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting a smile on my face Cathleen and reminding me it's all about choice :)
    Have a beautiful day!

